March 30

Saxophone solo - “Amazing Grace”
“God So Loved” / “I Love to Tell the Story”
”Forever” (Jordan)
”Isn’t He”
Praise Team - “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” (Connie)

Upcoming Worship

Please check this section often as we look ahead in worship.
Soloists, please let Joshua know if your name appears below and there is scheduling conflicts. What a blessing to lead our church in worship! Audience of ONE.

April 6 (PT5)

“What He’s Done” (Rosanna/Brent)
“Thou, O Lord”
”Living Hope”
”Bless God” (SG)
“All Because of Jesus” (Stephanie)

April 13 (PT6)

“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” - Orchestra
“Worthy is the Lamb”
”Mercy Tree”
”This Blood” (Marylyn) w/VIDEO
”If Not for Christ” (Kara)

Good Friday, April 18 (PT1/Full PT)

“Amazing Grace (My Chains Our Gone)”
“Jesus Paid it All”
”What Mercy Did for Me” (Bradley)
”Washed Away”
Lord’s Supper - “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” (PT)

Music for Easter Worship 2025