May 12

“What Love is This” (Jordan)
”It is Well with My Soul”
”All My Hope” (Chip)
”Same God” (Kaitlyn)
Inv. - “Run to the Father”

Upcoming Worship

Please check this section often as we look ahead in worship.
Soloists, please let Joshua know if your name appears below and there is scheduling conflicts. What a blessing to lead our church in worship! Audience of ONE.

May 19 (PT2)

“Back to the Garden”
”House of the Lord”
”His Mercy is More”
”Jesus, We Crown You with Praise”
”Clear the Stage” or “Been Through the Waters” (Joshua)

May 26 (PT3)

“We Will Remember”
”Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King”
”Goodness of God” (Kaitlyn C.)
PT - “At the Cross” (Kristen/Danny)

June 2 (PT4)

“Shout to the Lord”
“Faithful to the End” (Danny)